Giveaway is now CLOSED
It's that time again! Giveaway Day with Sew, Mama, Sew!
WELCOME to anyone who has never visited before -- I'm so happy to have you!

WELCOME to anyone who has never visited before -- I'm so happy to have you!

These are FUN I-Spies -- no garbage here!
Maybe I can convince more people to become addicted to I-Spy?

All you need to do is leave a comment, including your email address -- that's it! I will pick a random winner on the morning of Friday December 17th. I will ship anywhere -- giveaway open to everyone!!
Don't forget to check out the master lists of other blogs hosting giveaways
at Sew, Mama, Sew!
Have fun, and good luck!
1 – 200 of 515 Newer› Newest»Wow - what a fun giveaway! Thanks so much for letting us all play along!
Awesome! I would LOVE to win!
Awesome giveaway! My daughters would love one of these quilts!
I think this is a GREAT giveaway!
Merry Christmas!
Ah! This is fantastic. All the motivation I need to make my first I-Spy quilt (I am a long time follower but haven't yet participated in I-spy).
Such a cool give away. I love i-spy!
Ooooh-pick me! Pick me! What an awesome giveaway!
I so want to make one of these quilts!
What fun! I'd love to make an eye spy quilt!
This would be great as a babay quilt. I have two friends, both expecting twin boys early next year and this out be a great present for one of them.
with squares ass beautifull as yours, I would definetly be temped to make an I spy blanket!
I would love to win!
Now this is a giveaway!
I soo want to make an i-spy blanket for my kids! Thanks for the chance to win them!!
what a great giveaway! thanks!
missalayneous3 at gmail dot com
Your I spy is very interesting! They hold many things to catch one's eye. Sure put me in your drawing please. You have my wanting to learn more about this.
Oh, what a great giveaway! I want to get enough I-SPY squares gathered to make two quilts! motionsickgirl, gmail
Oh my gosh, I need those!! They are fun squares!
yay! i <3 i-spy!
Perfect! I have most of my sewing done so I could whip up one last gift with these. I love I Spy quilts.
Oh wow! This would be awesome!! Thank You for the chance!
I am just learning how to sew and would love to make an ispy blanket!!
I have been wanting to make an i-spy quilt but don't have the fabric yet. Would love to win this!!!
I have told my mom (who is also a quilter) about the I spy quilts you make and she loves them! I would love to make one!
babyfickas at gmail dot com!
Thanks for the wonderful opportunity.
So cute!
slj4981 at g mail dot com
Awesome giveaway! I would love to win!
deserae (at) gmail (dot) com
This is such a great idea for a quilt!! I would love to make one for my two year old. Thanks!!
What fun! I'm just getting into "I spy's" and would love make a quilt for a couple of special boys!
That's such a cute idea! childofelohiym at yahoo dot com
I really would like to add these to my stack and not only that I live in Eagle Mountain and can totally save you postage :)
Love Eye Spy quilts! Love your fabrics.
I would love to add those to my collection...I have to store enough for 3 queen or king sized quilts.... :)
Thanks for the chance. What a great giveaway!
I-spy quilts are great! I've never quilted before, so this would help me get started.
I love i-spy quilts but don't like searching for the fabrics!
I love this giveaway!
greenenough4me at gmail dot com
I have to tell you--- YOU are the reason I started an I Spy quilt! I started over the summer and just recently finished the top. It's my first big quilt project and I love it, though I've been very S-L-O-W in getting it done. Would love new squares for the next one! This is a great give-away!
I have been enjoying i-spy-ness through your blog for sometime now. Pinch me, I'd love to jump into this i-spy addiction. Thank you for the chance and for having just an amazing giveaway!
FUN!!!!! This would be a blast with my house full of kiddos and a first quilt for my girls and I to do together! Thanks for the chance to win!
Oh I would love these!! They make the BEST kids quilts!!
Thanks for the great giveaway!
Would love it!
Woe, what a great giveaway...I love it!
Looking forward to making my first I-Spy quilt.
I've followed your blog for a while, but I haven't done much with I-spy quilts. I love that you're making a big one for your own bed so the whole family can enjoy it when it's snuggle time. Thank you for sharing.
I follow your blog, I think since last year's SMS-giveaways. This is a wonderful giveaway :)
Wow - great giveaway - I would love to win these squares!
Awesome giveaway! I've got my fingers crossed!!
Thank you.
Awesome giveaway. I've been wanting to make one of these quilt!
This would be so fun to recieve! My kids and I would have a blast going through a stack like that ;)
What a great giveaway! Just found your blog, but I'm excited to try an I-spy quilt!
You have already inspired my obsession with 'I Spies' So much fun
I'd love to be entered in this drawing. It looks like there are some really cute fabrics in there! I'm at smonakey at gmail dot com
This would be great!! I'm Brandytab (at) yahoo (d0t) com
Thank you!!
Oh, if I had known I-Spy before seeing it here, I would have been addicted already! just discovered your blog!
nelevangaelen at hotmail dot com
I love I-Spy !!!!!! I am hoping to get my babies addicted also!!!!
oh, i want this!! i love i-spy quilts!! tammieschafferATyahooDOTcom
Awesome squares!
Greetings from a wintery Sweden! First time I'm visiting your blog - definetely not the last! Love your creativity - you seem to be able to create everything from anything! Adding this blog to my favorites!
I would LOVE to get some I-spy squares!
What a fantastic giveaway! This would make such a great gift for my friend who's due to get a baby girl in january ^^
I have always wanted to try an i-spy quilt, thanks for the giveaway!
I would love this! I love your i-spy stuff!
branmaxson1 at yahoo dot com
What an awesome giveaway! Thank you for hosting :)
I would love to make an I Spy quilt for my grandson!
Holy freaking cow!!! I want this more than you even know. I want to make an eye spy quilt so bad but ... oh man. can't even think straight. What an awesome person you are.
oh!! UAU!!!
It's been so fun watch your collection of I-spy squares grow, it would be amazing be able to start one too! Thanks for the chance!!!
Happy Season for you and your family!!
Haven't done an I-spy quilt yet, these would be perfect for my granddaughter's birthday quilt. Thanks for a chance to win.
Ooh... I've always wanted to make an I-spy quilt! I love seeing all the great squares you get and quilts you come up with!
Thanks for the chance to win! I just found out about these fun quilts and I know my 2 year old would love one :)
definitely love the i-spy squares!! thanks for the chance!
sales4mp at gmail dot com
Neat! :o)
Jackpot giveaway!! Love it!
Seasons Greetings!
Since finding your site I have started collecting fabrics for and I Spy quilt of my very own. Winning would sure get me there faster!
Oh I love this idea! And you are right the fabrics are good ones too!
This is an awesome Giveaway. I've been using so many I-spy squares. It's time to replenish.
I've been wanting to make an I-Spy quilt for my son for awhile. This would be the perfect jump-start!
Oh, I love all the food squares!
Oh, I would love to add to my collection as well, as I really enjoy the bounty from the swaps but it doesn't quite go for a quilt yet
Oh I love I-Spy squares. I have yet to make my son's quilt, but it's on the list of to-dos! Thanks for the opportunity!
Thanks for the great giveaway!
AWESOME giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win!!!
(email address in my blogger profile)
I would love to have these to make eye-spy placemats for my granddaughters!
So great. My son would love a quilt to spy! Thanks so much!
I have grandchildren who NEED these. ;-)
I am working on collecting I-Spy fabrics! What an awesome giveaway! what a coincidence!
mugirl113 at gmail dot com
I haven't gotten into the I-spy blocks yet, but they look so fun.
Great giveaway, Care! That prize might be enough to get me fully hooked on the I-spy bandwagon!
I would love to get in on the eye spy craze! Looks like sooo much fun!
What a fun prize! Thanks!
Oh my heavens, a quilters dream! Please, please enter me!
great giveaway!.. love the fabrics..thanks for the chance!
This is awesome! Please count me in, thanks!
ap_lemos at yahoo dot com
YAY for ISPY! I need some new ones for my big family quilt. :) Thanks!!
Thanks so much and Merry Christmas!
I book marked your site so I can come back and read later!
I do love I-Spy quilts! Thanks for a fun giveaway.
Those are way cute! Thanks! :)
So adorable, love the owls.
My boys would love a quilt with those!
Great fabrics. I have always wanted to make an I Spy quilt - especially since my son loves the I Spy books. Thanks for the great giveaway!
Best giveaway ever! I would so love to win- I participated in your last swap and I am addicted!!!! audrajjensen(at)msn(dot)com
This would be fun to play with!
Oh my gosh, I love your angry bird ornaments! They are so hilarious and adorable!
these are GREAT! would love to win! ilovedrpepper2 AT
I've been wanting to make an I Spy quilt!!! Oooh please pick me, it's my birthday on Friday, I would be so excited!!
I have been wanting to make an eye spy for a long time . . . what a great jump start this would be!
How fun! twylaw *at* gmail
I LOVE I Spy stuff... unfortunately, I haven't been able to make one of my own because my stash doesn't provide anything interesting to "spy" :) I'd LOVE to win this one! (Megan ~
I love I spy, not. Much as you, but I do love them and my daughter loves the quilt I made her already.
Oh my friend was telling me about this "I spy" stuff- Looks fun!
i've always wanted to make an i-spy quilt for the car for my daughter... this would be GREAT!
I am itching to make an I-Spy,and this would get me going!
Wow, kids would LOOOOOOVVVVEEE that!!!
Awesome! I'm always too late to participate in your swaps. I'd love these!!
Oh wow! Lovely giveaway, I'd like to join please! ^^
I don't know yet what's an i-spy quilt, but I do know yours are awesome, from what I've seen so far.
I've never made a quilt, because I'm too lazy to cut the little squares, so this would be a great opportunity for trying one of my own.
Wow, nice giveaway!
Greetings from Malta! Oh those are lovely pieces of fabric! Dare I hope???
What a great giveaway! it's totally true that this would start someone's obsession... I haven't started I-Spying because it seems like so much effort to collect enough, but this would be a GREAT start!
I've been itching to try an i-spy quilt, but just don't have the collection to make one. This might just get me into it!
Love your blog! Me encantaria poder hacer un quilt con su generosidad.
I have seen these quilts around and think they would make a great throw quilt for my little one.
deannawierenga at yahoo dot ca
wow - generous giveaway! Wishing you a Merry Christmas
vintagemum [@] hotmail dot com
SO AWESOME! I would love to win!!! You are the best for offering this!
OMG. what a great giveaway.
What fun is that? Please enter me!
Awesome giveaway!!
I was just teaching my two year old the I-Spy game over the weekend, she loved it!
what fun squares! cheers!
These are so stinkin' cute!
I would LOVE to make an i-spy quilt. How fun!
Oooh..sign me up!
What a fun giveaway! thanks!!
oooh - I-Spy! Still want to make one...this would be a great motivation.
ooh, I definitely need some more i-spys! craftyerin at gmail dot com
oh, I'm Working on an I spy quilt right now for my kids!
smooze13 (at) aol (dot) com
Hi there. I've just started reading your blog. I really like the idea of quilting, but have always found it intimidating. I've been saving fabric scraps from other projects and hope to start something soon.
Oh! perfect giveaway and perfect blog... enter me too!!! Thank you very much!
I have always loved to see the I-spy blocks that everyone sends in but am intimidated to participate! I would love to win to make my first quilt ever! You blog is very inspiring! Thank you!
This is an amazing give-away!!!
hippiefishie at
The only thing that could make this any better is if you had the quilt sewn already! :)
Already addicted, thanks to numero quatro! (I was a participant! ) Thanks for the chance to boost the I-Spy stash!
Great giveaway - it would take me so long to get 88 I Spy squares.
This would be so fun! I'd love to be the lucky winner. thanks for the chance!
It's all your fault that I'm an ISpy addict. I NEED these squares. WOO WEE.
stayathomelibrarian at gmail (dot) com
Awesome giveaway!! I've been looking for good i-spy squares - so hard! Thanks so much for the chance!
I love them! I've been wanting to make an i-spy quilt, so this would be perfect :)
Love i-spy. (Had to take my original comment off because I forgot my email address. Oops.) Thanks!
My daughter would love a quilt with this fabric!
Oh, I'd love to make an I spy quilt! :)
It could be so fun to make a I spy quilt with fabric from you..
Merry Christmas.
This would be amazing to win - we're expecting our third baby, and I recently decided this would be the perfect time to learn how to quilt. I'm sure Little Girl would LOVE to have an I-Spy quilt of her very own!
I'd love to win these i-spy blocks! I have to make one of these for my little girl.
What a great give-away! I'd love to make an I-spy-quilt!
Brgds, SiwK.
siwkv @ hotmail. com
thanks for the giveaway. I would love to try to make an i-spy quilt. they seem so fun.
Great giveaway, thanks! Love the angry birds too.
OMG!!!! this is fantastic!! i am becoming an addict!!!
goorsky at g mail dot com
Looks like a great giveaway! They would be fun to use.
Great giveaway! I love I spy fabric.
I have been eyeing your eye spy quilts for some time now and would love the chance to win enough to make one of my own. Thank you.
fun! i've always wanted to make one. intimidated at collecting enough fabrics.
ohhhh so fun - I'd love to try making a quilt like this!
This would sure kick-start a quilt I've been wanting to make!
i always thought those i-spy quilts were so cute...
A very great giveaway! Thanks, Elke
Very cool give away! I'd love to make an I Spy quilt! it's actually on my "to do" list! This would really help me along. :)
I've always wanted to do an i-spy something....but never had enough squares or good pieces! This is great!
sunshinekmp at yahoo dot com
Merry Christmas!
I would love to add to my stack of i-spy! I'm gather the perfect collection for my kids!
Okay, okay. You're suckering me in. With four kids, I should have one of these already. I'll get my daughter to help sew it.
Thank you - great giveaway!
Very cute...been thinkin bout an i spy for my 2 year old :)
I've been collecting i spy squares for a bit, but havent built a quilt with them yet! :)
No convincing needed for me! I'm a sucker for your swaps!
Oooh...this would help make a fun gift for my nephew. But would probably have to be for next year now!
Oh how I would love to spy!!
oooh...oooh....oooh! Pick me: )
rizensun at gmail dotcom
You have already addicted me to I-Spy!
fingers crossed.
I have been wanting to make an I-SPY quilt!
Care, you know it doesn't take much to get people addicted...right? You're good at that. I'm also shocked to see a black on top! Shouldn't that be going into your black i-spy?
Thanks for the fun giveaway!
I'm so excited for this fun prize! I've been collecting fabrics in my travels, so I can hopefully join one of your fabric swaps soon :)
I have a friend that LOVES I-spy. :) Those would be so awesome to sew up for her. :)
I've been wanting to make an I-Spy quilt for a really long time. I'd love to win this pack.
ninjaeema (at) aol (dot) com
How fun! I am wanting to try and make one of these.
I love this I have never made a I-Spy but always wanted to try. I'm in
I would love to win, you can never have too many I-Spy squares!!! Although my husband would probably disagree!
I always wanted to try an I Spy quilt!
Great idea for a giveaway!!!
YEAH!!! Love I-Spy! I really want to win, I can't wait to have enough to make a quilt!
I love I spy
I love I-Spy!!! Quilting is so much fun.
I've wanted to try i-spy for awhile, this would be great to win!
How cool, I recently discovered I-spy and said to my husband - 'there is a whole new world out there...'thanks for the giveaway
How fun, and what a neat idea! This is my first visit to your blog, I'm so excited to do some more exploring!!
I've never done an I-spy quilt before and would love to do one.
How I would love to win this giveaway! Fun, fun, fun! Thanks for the chance to win!
How have I never known about I-Spy quilts before? These are fabulous!
Such a fun giveaway!
What a fun idea--I've never seen an I Spy quilt before!
I would love to win this! I love your blog. You inspired me to make my first quilt and first I-Spy quilt (both in progress). Thanks!
I just finished participating in I-Spy Swap #5, but I could always use more squares! sorainima (at) gmail(dot)com.
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