But first -- did you know that the original Star Wars spaceships were made through a process known as "kitbashing," where you take different model kits and mix up the pieces to create a completely different model? Well, today's project is somewhat inspired by that idea... except it's a much simpler, cheaper, dollar-store-esque version!
Basic Supplies You May Want:
~ Glue -- E6000 is ideal, but hot glue works okay
~ phillips screwdrivers in various sizes -- mostly small
~ drill -- you may be able to screw your ship together
~ glue dots -- to test out configurations before permanent gluing
~ spray paint
~ junk! raid your "donations" box, hit the thrift stores, and find interesting dollar store items!
Note: By the nature of the project, this cannot be a detail-specific tutorial. It's all about getting ideas!

(The steering wheel and "interchange robot" came from two different dollar stores, and the other items were thrifted.)
Here are a few other ships we've worked on:
(Gotta love that one in the foreground with the toy hammer head on the front!)
So far, that top left spacecraft has parts from a dollar store stapler, two thimbles from dollar store sewing kits, a dollar store slingshot, and the guts from a thrifted drink mixer of some kind.
The bottom ship is a "wonder steamer" (obviously) with wings made from the two sides of a toy drill.
These little "models" are surprisingly addicting to make! They won't necessarily hold up as toys that can be played with -- use your best judgment in that area -- but they certainly are fun to create and look at!
wow...OMG...what an awesome creative idea...thank you for sharing
well...that is fantasticly fun and creative!! :D
great idea! I might try that out this holiday with the boys :)
Um, wow? This is fantastic!!!
Thank you! My boys are so excited after seeing this...it is going in our summer fun chart! :)
wow, these look wonderful.
You are such a genius! What lucky boys you have.
I thought the play tent was great, but this is wonderful. Got to bookmark it for a few years from now!
Sounds like a lot of fun! When my brother was a kid, he broke his toys and reassembled them (we just found spider-man with a GI Joe leg-backpack). I like the concept of "kit-bashing"!
This is stinkin' awesome! I will have to file this one in my book of fun things to do with my son when he gets older.
I Love this idea! How fun!!!!
Great summertime project!
this looks like fun! they'd make great decorations/centerpieces at a birthday party or bar mitzvah!
My little guy is sure to love this idea! Thanks for sharing.
This idea is ree-diculous! In the best way! I can't believe how sci-fi amazing those look.
oh now that is just cool!
These are faannnTAStic, and while they do look wonderfully StarWarsy with the fabulous monochrome paint jobs, I really like them unpainted, too! Sigh, just what I need: another excuse not to throw anything away....
OMG they are TOO AWESOME!!! amazing idea!!!
I may be weird, but the one you detailed (with the Wii steering wheel and such) actually looked better before you painted it--it itself looked like a toy ship you could find at one of these stores. :-)
I have been doing this for many years. I build my own models and have built several robot costumes in this manner
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