It's here!
The long-awaited SHOW of quilts made from the
1st Quilt Ever Tutorial Series!
There are a whopping 23 entries -- and each one is just amazing! It has been SO much fun for me to see everyone's quilts and read about each person's experiences with the process.
Below each picture is the name of the maker, along with her own description of the quilt.
Sit back, relax, and enjoy!
The long-awaited SHOW of quilts made from the
1st Quilt Ever Tutorial Series!
There are a whopping 23 entries -- and each one is just amazing! It has been SO much fun for me to see everyone's quilts and read about each person's experiences with the process.
Below each picture is the name of the maker, along with her own description of the quilt.
Sit back, relax, and enjoy!
This quilt is for my sister, Alyssa, in celebration of her graduation from UNC-G with an Environmental Biology degree. I chose "earthy" colors as requested (although she didn't know what I was making). I liked how easy it was to let my kids help me and make the choice of which squares to put by which square...even my 3 yr old could help and they weren't going to mess it up! This was my 4th fully finished quilt.
This IS my first quilt ever. The fabric is Animal Alphabet by Moda. I have wanted to learn to quilt for a long time. When you announced the quilt-along, I had already chosen the green fabric for some curtains. I really wanted to make a quilt but I didn't know how, so I was SO excited!
This quilt is for my 4 year old nephew, always happy and full of energy I picked fabrics that reflected him. I loved following along with the quilt along. I really hope Care does another! lol! I will totally be using the directions to make many more quilts and now I won't have to wait...or catch up lol!

I made this quilt for my daughter's toddler bed. Her favorite color is yellow, but she loved the other colors we added too. My favorite part of the process was quilting it on my machine. This quilt was my first time I had done that, but it won't be my last!
I can't say I enjoyed every minute of making this quilt, but now that it's done, I want more! Kind of like childbirth that way, isn't it? Thanks again, Care, for demystifying the process! And thanks for all the exclamation points!!!!!!!!!!!
I loved the process of making my very first quilt! I chose the colors to be a bright and cheerful wildflower theme. This one was for me to keep and I love it!!! ;)
After making my first quilt, I was instantly addicted and started right away on my second. This quilt is for my grandmother who loves the color blue. When I gave it to her she was so impressed and touched. She said, "No one has ever made a quilt for me before."
I made this quilt for a raffle at the crisis pregnancy center where I volunteer. Each time I made a quilt the process became easier and faster, I completed this Winnie the Pooh themed quilt in only 2 days.

I really love the way my quilt turned out. Although it is not perfect, the colors make me happy every time I look at it. I was worried about the sandwiching and machine quilting part, but once I started them I found it really wasn't that hard.
I had a wonderful time participating in this quilt along series. I learned so much. In fact--I have already started working on another quilt.

This is the first quilt I have ever made!! I picked out the orange fabrics first and then found the backing fabric and moved over to find some complimentary blues to add in and filled out the rest with some simple patterns. My favorite part of the quilt is my fabrics and the pieced binding. Every step of making this quilt was so much fun, I can't wait to make the next one!!

I have wanted to make a quilt for a few years but didn't really know where to start. This was perfect for me and I had so much fun making myself a girly quilt in my house full of boys. I loved learning how to free motion quilt and the hand finished biniding is one of my favorite parts of the quilt. This is my first quilt but it definitely won't be my last. ;)

This quilt is for my niece, who was born just over a month ago. The fabric is "Love U" by Deb Strain for Moda; the nursery is dark blue and pink. I appliqued her name on the back, too. I really like the design aspect and seeing the pattern come together. I think my least favorite part is hand sewing the binding (but that could be that I completed 2 quilts in one week!) but overall I enjoyed the whole process. This is my third quilt, the second that I machine quilted. I have completed two (larger) quilt tops since this one, and am in another quilt-along currently, so you can say that I am very quickly getting addicted!
For my quilt, I used the fabric left over from making my baby's jungle-themed nursery linens and gear. The quilt works great for snuggling now and will also be a cute bedspread once my little one moves to a toddler bed. It was great to finally solve the mystery of free-motion quilting and I gained confidence (and alot of curiosity!) to try other quilting patterns as well.
I wanted this quilt to be an accent in my guest bedroom, which was quite lacking color, but this quilt certainly helps! I ended up machine finishing my binding, and I'm not displeased with the effect. It could be better, but I am in the midst of another hand-finishing project and one is enough! I think with practice I could perfect my technique though.
I chose these fabrics because I wanted my first finished quilt to be something I would love and these prints remind me of my childhood. I was really surprised that I used so much orange (the backing is orange with the strips of front fabrics) cause I'm not really crazy about orange. I really loved chosing the fabrics and cutting the blocks to make the quilt top and seeing the pattern emerge. I didnt like the quilting part probably because I was getting the quilting squiggles too close but other than that I really liked making this quilt and am going to be cutting out another one using oriental fabrics.

Described by her daughter-in-law Catherine: This is my mother-in-law's quilt. I got her to do First Quilt Ever with me. It's her first. She's big into patriotic and my brother-in-law is in the Air Force so she got most of the patches print to read or show Air Force on them.
For my oldest daughter. She came with me to pick out the fabrics, and we had a great time together. At 3 years old, she got a great lesson about matching colors. I even quilted her name and some shapes in the quilt for her.
For my 2 year old daughter. After starting the first blanket for daughter #1, I decided I better make them both one at the same time. So I did, this is actually the first one that I finished. It has her name quilted in it also, and she wants to play with it all the time now since it has her favorite color in it. PINK!
I was asked by my mom, to make a quilt for our dance teacher. She teaches my mom, me, 3 sisters, and my 3 year old. My mom is in charge of a end of the year gift for the teacher from all of the students, and this was my idea. It was a great idea at the time, but since we started it on Monday and had to have it finished by Saturday for the dance recital it was a big project. I did get the entire quilt top cut and pieced in one day though (I made it bigger a 60 by 75). Quilting and finishing the binding took the rest of the week.

This is my daughter's first quilt and my second! She sewed the entire top and I quilted it for her. She chose all the pretty fabrics. I love this pattern because it was so simple to sew and cut! Thanks for teaching us the process!!
I took a quilting class in February and decided I didn't want to do another traditional quilt so when I ran across the 1st Quilt Ever site I felt like it was meant to be. 20+ years ago I completed one quilt that I hand tied and one quilt top (that I gave away). I've made several blankets for the grandkids but this is truly my 1st real quilt. I fell in love with the owl material and coordinated around that. I enjoyed the entire process of making this quit - even the washing, ironing and starching. The best part was quilting. It was also the part I was most intimated by. I pushed myself through each step and discovered that none of it was as bad as I feared! Care's instructions and tutorial were better than the class I just completed. I already have another quilt started and am planning to make 2 more with this pattern. My finished quilt is 73x59 and I'm keeping it all for me!!!
I'm not a big sewer, and this is my first quilt ever! Fabric selection was a bit random, but I had a colour scheme in mind and was keen to keep the patterns as whole squares and use the plains to make a pattern within the quilt. It was a present for my mum so I think I got away with it being far from perfect! I was surprised how quickly I got it done and enjoyed most of it, but the quilting was harder than I expected. I'm now keen to do a (neater!) larger quilt for my bed, but that's a bigger challenge...
I made this quilt for my daughter's toddler bed. I'd made a quilt before, but this was my "1st Quilt Ever" incorporating free-motion quilting, borders, and binding. I learned a lot, was generally pleased with this project, but have already made another quilt applying the skills I've learned that I'm even more proud of. Thanks Care for doing the series!!!!!
THANK YOU, everyone, for joining the quilt show!
It's been so much fun, and so rewarding, for me to see all the quilts you've made from my tutorial series. And I am THRILLED to read that many of the new quilters are already making plans for more quilts!
HOORAY for spreading the obsession!!
Each and every quilt is bea-u-ti-ful:)
All of the quilts are gorgeous!
It's almost broken me. I am so tempted to give quilting a go.
everyone has beautiful quilts!!
Have a great day!
They are all so beautiful!!
I loved looking at everyone's quilts!!! They are all so pretty! Each one of them has it's own personality!! I love this pattern bc it looks so fancy yet is SO simple to sew! :D Well done everyone!
Why is there nothing written under mine? --pout pout--
Nice job, everyone!
wow..beautiful quilts...
WOW!!! They all look soo different and beautiful. What a great show. It makes me want to make more!!!
Hola me encanta todo lo que haces. no leo ni hablo ingles , podrias poner un traductor en el blog para entender un poco mas?
Lo que puedo lo traduzco con un traductor pero me resulta muy tedioso.
Felicitaciones!!! por todos los trabajos!!!
Hello everything enchants to me what beams. I do not read nor I speak English, podrias to put a translator in blog to understand a little but? What I can I translate it with a translator but it is to me very tedious. Congratulations! by all the works!
They're all gorgeous! Since I'm a late bloomer, I finally got around to picking up the fabric for my first quilt yesterday! I'm planning on following your instructions & making mine over the next couple of weeks. What great inspiration & motivation I've got now!
SORRY, Susan! It's fixed now! Stinking Blogger -- it was there but in a teeeeeeny-tiny little font!!
Great job everyone!! Love them all. :)
these are gorgeous...i love to see them in so many different colors and quilting styles
They all look so great! Everyone did such a nice job!!!
They are all wonderful. It's interesting to see all the different colors and patterns that everyone chooses.
This is so fun! I have loved keeping up with the flickr group, so I have seen some of these, but I love all the new ones too! All the different styles and colors of fabric made such a difference, even with the same pattern. Keep quilting!
So fun to see all the beautiful finished quilts!
They are all so pretty! What good inspiration!
This is a perfect example of how 20 people can use the same pattern, but different fabrics, and made 20 completely different quilts! I've been trying to explain that to my DH, who is color-blind, literally, and focuses on the colors. He'll look at one in a mag with me, and if it's red or green, he HATES it. I try to explain, I would use differnt colors, but he just doesn't get it. He loves what I do when I make the quilt, but I'm really glad to finally have a perfect way to demonstrate colors and prints make all the difference!
I wish I had made one, now, but I already have too many UFOs to begin a new one! I have pregnant friends, so that's the upcoming projects!
please do this again! I am working on my quilt! :D
WOW Great job everyone! I missed out on the quilt show but this definitely will be my first quilt ever, thanks for the inspiration. I know I can do it now.
It's amazing how the same instructions can generate so many different quilts!!
Absolutely gorgeous, all of them!
Congratulations to the artists and to Care that inspired and teached all!!
What a fab show! Thanks so much for showing these. They are all so colourful and wonderful
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