My son got his very own library card last week... hooray! He was so excited! We were talking about his card and how he would need to keep it safe, and I wondered aloud where he would keep it. His answer was -- "In my wallet!" Of course! So we had to whip one up for him!

I've had this FABULOUS dish towel for months and months, just waiting to be turned into something amazing. After a little measuring I discovered that one fish would be exactly the right size to fit perfectly on a wallet!
Here's what you'll need to make yours:
~ dish towel
~ scrap of velcro
~ fusible interfacing
STEP ONE: Cut your pieces. Here's what you'll need:
8 1/2" x 3 1/2" rectangle for outside of wallet
8 1/2" x 3 1/2" rectangle for bill pocket lining
8 1/2" x 6" rectangle for lining
8 1/2" x 4 1/2" rectangle for card pocket
8 1/2" x 3 1/2" rectangle heavy-ish fusible interfacing
1 3/4" x 1/2" piece of velcro (both sides)
STEP TWO: Fuse the interfacing to the wrong side of your wallet cover piece.
STEP THREE: Fold your lining piece and card pocket piece in half (the long way, as shown) and press.
STEP FOUR: With your card pocket piece folded, center your velcro on the two sides, 3/8" in from the outer and lower edges, and sew in place.
STEP FIVE: Layer your card pocket piece on top of your lining piece, both still folded, and sew vertically on the center line. This will create two card pockets.
STEP SIX: Layer the folded pieces on top of your bill pocket lining (everything right side UP), and baste around the edges of the pockets.
STEP SEVEN: Layer this entire piece on top of your interfaced wallet cover piece, right sides together.
STEP EIGHT: Sew around the edges using a 1/4" seam allowance, leaving a 3" opening at the bottom for turning.
STEP NINE: Trim corners for easier turning, as shown.
STEP TEN: Turn right side out, paying special attention to the corners, and press. Topstitch around the edges of your wallet, also closing the opening.


Complete with velcro closure, two card pockets, and a bill pocket!
very cool!!
I like it!!
very nice! I love the fact that you have matched up the pattern inside of the wallet.
this is great. Love the fish.
Great idea! Love how you used the pattern to create the inside and outside.
Adorable! I love it. And the fish is so awesome. :)
this is so great. i love the fish
For some reason my 6 year old son is completely obsessed with wallets.
I am so excited to make one for him.
Thanks so much :)
Oh, how fun! Can't wait to make some...I have 3 boys!
That's so freaking creative & clever that I can't stand it! My little guy is only 2, but he loves his dad's wallet. I'm going have to make him one, too!
It's so cute!! You know, I bought a set of those dish towels a couple years ago (BEFORE I started dollar store crafting) and we use them in our kitchen now. I was amused by the "sill" spice.
I love how you matched up the inner picture - clever!
What a fun wallet for your little guy! We have a library card for our daughter, but we're keeping it safe until she can stop leaving her (multiple) purses all over the house... this is definitely on my "to-make" list when she's ready :)
Awesome idea! I would suggest making a coin pocket on one side though kids always seem to find the change from around the house. I'm sure just another piece of velcro would work on one of the card slots of the existing design.
Awesome Care! That fish is too perfect for your son :)
Fabulous! I love the fish; what a great use for that dish cloth! And thanks for the tutorial; I was looking for a good one recently.
so cute, and that dish towel is so cool. thanks for the quilt backing sandwich post today too. I always get my backing on crooked for some reason.
Wow! Such a nice simple design yet a really cool wallet!
I love this. thank you very much. Great wallet
You're so awesome with those dishtowels! I love the simplicity of this wallet.
These are adorable! I love the modern pattern and the great colors! Thank you for sharing your wonderful blog; keep up the fantastic work!
This is so, so cute! I love the towel you used. Thanks so much for sharing, I'll be linking.
this is such a cute and cheap idea! i love it.
You are the dollar store MASTER! Love the fish on the outside!
I'm making these for my boys!
Really mix color wallets is best for me: wallets for men
I love it! I have been looking for something that is not daunting, but looks great overall! I love your fabric too btw! Thanks!
Great eye for thinking outside the box. Great gift and wonderful instructions. Thank-you.
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