Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Quilt!

So... What is the quilt we are making, you ask?

First let's have a look at some (made either by me or my sister-in-law Susan)..... and then I will tell you!

All of the quilts in this post were made using THE SAME SUPER EASY PATTERN.

(EDIT: I now have instructions up for the I-Spy version -- here!)

It's Disappearing Nine-Patch!
I know, I know, this pattern has made its rounds on the web already. But it is PERFECT as a beginner quilt!

1. It's easy -- from cutting to sewing, a beginner can DEFINITELY handle it
2. It doesn't LOOK too beginner-y
3. It's incredibly VERSATILE -- you can get very different looks depending on what fabrics you choose and where you place them. Check out my I-Spy quilt, complete with sashing and setting squares -- Would you ever guess it was a brother to the quilt at the top of this post??

Who's ready??


Denise said...

Count me in! Even though I have a half finished spool to complete I want to learn as much as I can about quilting. Lead on McDuff!

Kris @ said...

i'm ready!!! I love the way the pattern turned out on the white, pink and brown. I am so excited!!! going to JoAnns tonight with a crafty, quilting friend to look at possible fabrics.

Anonymous said...

count me in. I have always wanted to make this quilt.

Christine said...

I'm in! I am so excited that you are doing this. I have been wanting to learn but classes didn't work with my schedule. Thank you, thank you!

Heather said...

I am! I have decided that my guest room needs a footer blanket and I want to make/quilt it!

Leslie said...

wow, i have never seen such a variety in disappearing 9 patches! these all look so great. i really love the one at the top

Ms Muffin said...

Wow, that is versatile! I have seen this pattern on the web before but would have never guessed that it can look so differently! I was always scared of all the cutting - especially those little squares. But I guess with quilting there is no way around the cutting anyway! :-D
Would love to try the pattern - you convinced me! :-)

Cole's Corner said...

I've been dying to make a 'nice' quilt for years. My first couple of attempts were.... fine, but not pretty.

I can't wait to do this sew along!

Twyla said...

I did my first disappearing nine (and first quilt ever) b/c of your posts. It's was a lot of fun. I love the i-spy version!

Wendy P said...

I made a disappearing nine patch last year. Very good pattern for someone who wants to learn!

How did you make the I Spy with that pattern?

Anonymous said...

I'm in- not sure where the fabric amounts are listed. What do I need to start? Thanks-Liz

CocoJ126 said...

Yes how to you do the I SPY???!!!!!!

Heather said...

Do you plan on doing another quilt along? I'm ready to start another one (still on this one, but waiting on my fabric for the back).

Or do you know of any blogs out there that have or are running one? I loved your style of teaching. I'm not sure where to start for my "Second Quilt Ever"

Thanks! :D

Angie said...

I got mine made, and have been itching to make more! I'm redoing my daughter's room, and want to make one for her daybed. Have you ever made one for a twin sized med? I can't figure out how much fabric I'll need!

Searching for my inner Martha said...

I am thinking about making this quilt! I put a link in my blog to your blog so everyone could see your wonderful creativity! I will let you know how it goes!

Searching for my inner Martha said...

Here is my blog!