
Thursday, July 8, 2010

$7 Outfit Refashion -- Part One

Last week I picked up a cute little girls' two-piece outfit at Walmart for $7. It was size 8 -- obviously way too big for JellyBean -- but I had some refashioning in mind!!

Here's the first half of the refashion:

The skirt had built-in shorts -- and I immediately had an idea for what to do with them!

I cut them away from the skirt as close to the seam as possible.

I sewed another line of stitching around the hem of the shorts. I was careful to make the distance between the original hem's stitching line and my new stitching line just the width of a safety pin.

On the inside, right next to the inseam, I snipped a little hole in between lines of stitching, then used a safety pin to thread 1/4" elastic through.

I folded down the top raw edge of the shorts and sewed to create a casing. I used 3/4" elastic, although if I'd had 1/2" elastic on hand I would have used it instead!

Ta-Da!! Super quick little bloomers with cutie little ruffly leg openings!

I then put the skirt on JellyBean, up around her chest, and measured how much I would need to take out to make it into a little top. I sewed, then cut away the excess. I used the scrap to create two little straps -- which ended up being the perfect length!

I marked them for placement and sewed them in place on the inside of the top.

Ta-Da!! An adorable little sunsuit!

Super quick and easy, and done in one sitting -- supreme satisfaction!

I can tell she feels very cute in it by the way she walks!

I'll show you the second half of the $7 Outfit Refashion soon....


  1. You are an amazing refashioner! Its very cute.

  2. Turned out so well! What a great refashion!!!

  3. wow care, that is so so cool! I love it. She looks so adorable and summery!

  4. That is adorable! Great idea!! I think now I must start checking out bargains in the older kids departments as well. Thanks for the idea!


  5. Adorable!! I hadn't thought of sizing outfits down... oh the possibilities...

  6. She looks SUPER CUTE!!! And I like that it's an easy outfit to get on and off :) Those bloomers are adorable.

  7. So sweet! Love the revamp. I wish I could romp around in bloomer and halter dress.

  8. Such a cutie in her new summer re-fashioned outfit!


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