
Monday, February 15, 2010

Tent Week, Day One -- Card Table Tents!

I am so excited to finally announce a week's worth of tutorials that has been in the works for quite some time now... 
It's a week's worth of tutorials for kids' play tents! 

Today's tutorial for card table tents is by my lovely and talented mom, Wendy of OldDaysOldWays.  Get her tutorial here!

I'll be posting a different tent tutorial every day this week, so be sure to check back!


  1. Cute, can't wait to keep checking out your tutorials! I did want to let you know that Hancock fabrics in Orem has some nice i spy fabric. Well I think they would make some nice i spy fabrics. Just wanted to pass it along to you! :D

  2. super fun! I really need to make one for my girls (and get a card table too I guess) :)

  3. You are my hero!
    I bought several bolts of fabric (yes bolts) last year with the idea I would make a tent worthy of the 'Holiday' movie...It hasn't materialized...I kept getting stuck for construction of the roof..I can't wait to follow Tent Week and get some inspiration going again!

  4. This is really exciting!!! Thanks for the great tutorials.

  5. Yay, this is awesome. I love it when you do theme weeks! :)


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