I am still here, still sewing (sewing is LIFE!), still obsessing! I didn't mean to be absent from the good ol' bloggy for so long! Thought I'd pop in and show you a few things I've been up to....
Little dresses -- for Blythe, of course! These ones fit "middie" sized Blythe, who is 8" tall. The next photo shows what she looks like....
The finished dresses are about 3 1/2" tall, with fully lined bodices and lots of gathers. I must say, when working this tiny -- I admit -- I have become a fan of pinning! (Gasp! Shock!!)
....and I've been making even TINIER ones.
These dolls are 4 1/2" tall, including their big ol' heads. Their finished dresses are 1 3/4" tall -- and the bodices are fully lined. I have to say, it takes a certain amount of OBSESSION to do it -- and enjoy it, too! :o)
(I am very active over on my flickr stream, if you are interested in seeing more.)

These dolls are 4 1/2" tall, including their big ol' heads. Their finished dresses are 1 3/4" tall -- and the bodices are fully lined. I have to say, it takes a certain amount of OBSESSION to do it -- and enjoy it, too! :o)
(I am very active over on my flickr stream, if you are interested in seeing more.)
What have all of you been working on?
To answer your question--freelance writing and not much else. Oh, our AC unit went out and I've been trying to get rebates from our local energy company. Boring, right? LOL
I just wanted to tell you, I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE the picture of all the little pink Blythe dresses. They're so cute and look like little cupcakes!!!! At first, I thought that's what they were. I was all, "Oh, she sewed little pink cupcakes!" LOL So cute. All of the dresses are lovely.
I am in awe! You have such an amazing talent! I have only been sewing for about 3 months, and I can't even make my toddler a dress half as detailed! You are awesome!
You've got to post a picture of your electric blue haired Blythe :)
They are so beautiful, you've done such a great job!
What perfect little dresses!
If only making dresses for ourselves was that easy! I like the mushroom one the best, and do I spy a Jelly Bean one? Its a little to far away to see.
Wow the dresses are so gorgeous, how do you manage to sew such tiny detailed items so neatly? My machine just chews up tiny pieces LOL! Do you hand sew them?
They are wonderful.
testing 123 (sorry having issues commenting)
What sweet little dolls and the dresses are precious. Last year at this time I was about waist deep in American Girl doll dresses, outfits and accessories for my oldest granddaughter. This year, it's Fancy Nancy times 3 for the three youngest granddaughters. Does anybody out there have ideas for boys? I feel like I'm leaving my 6-year-old grandson out by buying all of his presents.
Can I buy this pattern anywhere? They are so gorgeous and so beautifully sewn!
good article I like the information you mentioned.thank you so much
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