I find that I tend to have some strange items in my purse, and often wonder what other ladies have in THEIR purses. Today I am hoping to find out! :o)
Here is a photo of the contents of my purse, as of today. Nothing was planted, nothing was removed (with the exception of a couple receipts and gum wrappers!). The list, starting with the chapstick at the bottom and heading (mostly) counter-clockwise:
three chapsticks, five Hello Kitty mini figure treats, three mini Barbies + accessories, tiny scissors, credit-card-size swiss army knife, tiny aspirin tin, sewing kit, three emergency suckers (for the kids!), assorted pens, pencils, and a SHARPIE (love!), juice pouch coin purse, mini notebook w/ pen, 5 hair claws (my daughter's "rings"), three bobby pins, three hair elastics (my daughter's "bracelets"), LPS Blythe coupon, gum, flashlight keychain, kleenex holder, keys, bouncy ball, tiny stuffed ostrich and owl, and my wallet!
NOW I want to know what is in YOUR purse -- or diaper bag, or handbag, or pocket book, or tote bag, or backpack, or whatever it is you carry! And, since folks don't normally make a habit of taking photos of what's in their bags -- I am making this a giveaway. Since I don't sew or make patterns for bags or purses, I asked four lovely ladies if they would be willing to share theirs with you. And they have agreed!
(Lucky me! Lucky you!)
#1 Jen of JensBags has offered to give away ANY PURSE, BAG, OR WRISTLET in her shop. Super generous! The above photo shows just a few of the amazing bags she now has listed. I own one of her fantastic creations, and let me just say -- her workmanship is just beautiful!
#2: Wendy of LuckyLemonDryGoods has offered one of her super fabulous ONION LABEL MARKET TOTES. These canvas bags are bold and eye-catching with their recycled onion bag labels! She is giving away the "Great Catch" bag, second from the left. She also has a blog, OldDaysOldWays -- and happens to be my amazingly talented mom!
#3: Made by Rae's famously fabulous BONSAI BAG SEWING PATTERN. I have been dying to make one of these lovelies! The pompom trim is just killer!
#4: Anna from Noodlehead's super fantastic 241 TOTE PATTERN. I just adore the shape and details of this bag pattern!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Now for the entry rules!
1. Take a picture of your purse's contents (feel free to omit gum wrappers, receipts, and embarrassing personal care items) If you feel like it, include your purse in your photo
2. Upload it to my super special created-for-this-occasion FLICKR GROUP, along with a quick list of what you found
3. Come back here and leave a comment with a link to your photo in the flickr group
4. Include your email address!!
5. One entry per person
That's all! I will pick four winners via random.org on Wednesday evening and post winners as soon as I have them counted.
Good luck, and have fun!! :oD

three chapsticks, five Hello Kitty mini figure treats, three mini Barbies + accessories, tiny scissors, credit-card-size swiss army knife, tiny aspirin tin, sewing kit, three emergency suckers (for the kids!), assorted pens, pencils, and a SHARPIE (love!), juice pouch coin purse, mini notebook w/ pen, 5 hair claws (my daughter's "rings"), three bobby pins, three hair elastics (my daughter's "bracelets"), LPS Blythe coupon, gum, flashlight keychain, kleenex holder, keys, bouncy ball, tiny stuffed ostrich and owl, and my wallet!
NOW I want to know what is in YOUR purse -- or diaper bag, or handbag, or pocket book, or tote bag, or backpack, or whatever it is you carry! And, since folks don't normally make a habit of taking photos of what's in their bags -- I am making this a giveaway. Since I don't sew or make patterns for bags or purses, I asked four lovely ladies if they would be willing to share theirs with you. And they have agreed!
(Lucky me! Lucky you!)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
1. Take a picture of your purse's contents (feel free to omit gum wrappers, receipts, and embarrassing personal care items) If you feel like it, include your purse in your photo
2. Upload it to my super special created-for-this-occasion FLICKR GROUP, along with a quick list of what you found
3. Come back here and leave a comment with a link to your photo in the flickr group
4. Include your email address!!
5. One entry per person
That's all! I will pick four winners via random.org on Wednesday evening and post winners as soon as I have them counted.
Good luck, and have fun!! :oD
Just added my purse onto the Flickr Group!
I'll get her done. But the truth is my purse died two weeks ago and I have the fabric to sew up another one, just haven't found the time, and haven't finalized my design. So for the last two weeks I have been carrying my important id a cards in a student id wallet (that is tiny), keys in back pocket, and phone in front pocket, with my sunglasses left in the car. It stinks but I have a lot less junk to haul around. :)
Posted my purse. Your purse has so many fun things! Here's the link
cdheaston (at) yahoo (dot) com
this is nutty but I LOVE IT!
My kids think I'm crazy--and then they wanted the candy that was in my purse!
Mine is kinda dull as I just switched bags yesterday! palmetto(at)gmail(dot)com, and pic can be found here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/etonia/5655205804/in/pool-1703165@N22/
Here is what is in my purse..
jrhawke at yahoo dot com
I have typically end up switching purses pretty often, but cause I like to test out the bags I make. So, for the most part, this is all I carry
I will occasionally have a stray horse in my bag though, courtesy of my 5yo.
kaotickrafter at hotmail dot com
This is cracking me up- all the random things that find their way into our purses! I tend to keep a pretty organized purse most of the time, but I was totally grossed out by how many wadded up gum wrappers I had this time around- ewwww!
heres my purse!
Just posted mine. http://www.flickr.com/photos/56459382@N06/5655195123/
mamma_san1018@yahoo dot com
yaay this is fun!
What fun! Just added mine at http://www.flickr.com/photos/melanieyaya/5656052954/in/pool-1703165@N22/
I have some random stuff in my purse. I could really use a new one, too. : ) You can tell who has kids.
This was such a nice breather from student teaching! Thanks!
What a fun way to have a giveaway! I really needed to clean out all the trash I had in there. It was fun to see what other people had stashed in their bags too.
Here's my flicker group link :)
Please pick me
oops. apparently blogger profile doesnt have emails? liz.zelnick@gmail.com i swear i can follow directions.
i actually just switched to a teeny tiny purse a couple days ago. turns out the massive shoulder bag was the cause of my neck pains.. that or it was the giant wallet, pens, makeup bag, lotion/sanitizer, deodorant, phone charger, keys, reusable grocery bag, calculator, and text book that were in it.
i added my pic to the group but apparently i have a much longer link than everyone else. here's the direct: http://www.flickr.com/photos/lizelnick/5655941005/
For four years I carried a huge backpack around,but few months ago I switched to a huge bag :-)At the moment it isn't full to much as usually so I don't have so much to share,just 14 things :-) here is link http://www.flickr.com/photos/62170175@N02/?saved=1 and my e-mail is hanci06@net.hr
I posted my purse pic yesterday and then forgot to comment so here is the link http://www.flickr.com/photos/roguesyrene/5655208294/in/pool-1703165@N22/
and my e-mail is syrene@gmail.com
So much fun...now I need to clean out my purse!
my email is sewbetcha@gmail.com
How Fun to peek inside everyone's purses!
I just posted mine to the Flickr group:
My email is angelapeaktf@gmail.com
This is really enjoyable
I have posted my contents. Surprisingly little kids stuff today! Thanks so much for a chance to win!
kristinorth (at) mchsi (dot) com
yaaay, free stuff!
Hi! My name is Christiane Pessoa and here is what is in my purse: http://www.flickr.com/photos/cpessoa/5658696887/in/pool-1703165@N22/
Sorry, the photo could be better...
cpessoa (at) gmail.com
Hi, here's the link.
So fun!! Thanks for the chance to win.
Love your Blog!!
Here is my link. My name on flicker is cellgirl17.
Here's the link to my photo:
And here is my email address:
darlingpetunia (at) aol (dot) com
This was embarassing! It's not even my daily bag, as I use a diaper bag for my daughter most days. But about once a week (just long enough to forget what's in there) I go out using my purse.
So here she is: http://www.flickr.com/photos/nutellanut/5659584748/in/pool-1703165@N22/
nutellanut at gmail dot com
Very fun! I swap purses often, and thankfully only had to remove tissues from this one before the photo op. :) My favorite item is my son's pterodactyl, which was captured on "film" during its brief sojourn with me.
ammieloris (at) hotmail (dot) com
I LOVE this giveaway! The purses are all adorable, and heaven knows I could use a cuter one! Here is my Flickr pic:
Hope I win! Thanks for the chance, Care!
greenappleorchard at gmail dot com
I usually only grab my wallet and throw it in my coat pocket. I guess I don't technically count.
I would love this!! Here is a link:
My e-mail is karamurri (at) gmail (dot) com
This is a really fun contest.... it's interesting to see what other ladies carry around with them! Here's the link to "what's in my purse"! :o)
Thanks so much for hosting!
Here is my purse: image IMG_5879_1
Susansabrina at hotmail dot com
Fun! I feel better about my purse after seeing everyone elses :)
Thank you!
mamalusco at ortelco dot net
Here is my purse!
This is what is in my purse!!!
What a cool giveaway, thanks for the opportunity.
Yay! I uploaded a pic to flickr.
My email address is:
my blog is: http://cottoncandydreamsjewelery.blogspot.com/
Fun to look at what ends up in a purse.
hahaa thanks for giving me a reason to look inside my own disaster zone.. i totally need a cute pouch for my purse.. or a new purse ;)
Just added my purse/diaper bag. It's terribly boring. I had just washed the bag a few days ago so there hasn't been enough time for build up of junk.
annegoldstein412 (at) gmail (dot) com
Oh how fun! I just took a picture - even though it is past 11pm overhere ... :-)
Here is the link
But now I am off to bed!
Ms Muffin
ulli-xox [at] web [dot] de
I added mine, there's not much to it but here ya go..
It was good day for me to take a photo of my purse. Not as junky as normal :)
Oh my! I did my diaper bag (entertainment bag) since my purse is a wallet-on-a-string and really boring.
montgomery (dot) christine (at) gmail (dot) com
Fun contest
As a mother of 5 My purse is loaded. Wallet , phone, keys, measuring tape, aspirin, Excedrin, calendar, ear plugs, joanns add, notebook, checkbook, favorite book, granola bar, apple sauce, photo invitation personal progress book and The living Christ photo book. In a boring black purse. Jillshum@msn.com
I'm worried what my purse will look like once we have children...eeek!
Just added, hope I'm not too late.
Yesterday there was a diaper in my purse I realied when I got to work. Luckily I fixed that this morning!
OK, here's the link to my purse and contents:
My bag is a sweet Hello Kitty number, with a little plush Chococat clipped onto the side. Inside, I found my pink wallet, gum, two kinds of hand sanitizer, two sets of keys, three lonely Tic Tacs, two empty Easter Eggs, a stray Band-Aid, small tin of Altoids, two tiny animals, a Littlest Pet Shop Teeniest Tiniest bat, two egg-shaped erasers, Soft Lips lip balm, and the tiniest pen and spiral notebook in the world. Also an embarrassing number of gum wrappers. And Care, you definitely know my email address. :)
What a fun idea!
I currently have in my purse:
Two (clean) diapers, a changing pad, baby wipes, my wallet, a notebook, pen, costco coupon booklet, gum, chapstick and two peppermints from a restaurant I've been to resently.
I love this idea!
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