It's done!

After a loooong break from working on
this quilt (other obsessions crept in!), I finally revisited it and finished it night before last. Yesterday I sent it through the wash a couple times, trimmed off the extra hairy threads, and resewed the edges of a couple squares that frayed beyond the stitching.

I love the fun, girly backing and bright binding.

And THIS, my friends, is the pile of threads that came out of the wash! Amazing!
I love it!!! I was just telling someone this morning that I think I'm going to this sort of quilt with my I-spy squares & had the hardest time finding your first post about it.
I LOVE this, Care! I am definitely going to make one someday! Love how the quilt crinkled up. Great job!
What a fun quilt!! I'm sure that there are a few birds who would love that string ball to make themselves a nice bird mansion! LOL!
That is really cute. I love it! Did you have a post with directions (or link to directions) that I have missed?
Great job! I love the idea! That thread ball is scary...
It looks fantastic!!!
Look at all of those threads, that is crazy.
I saw you have an i-spy stack in your Etsy shop!!! That's so fun!
love it. i really want to try one of these.
love love this care! and the threads, holy moly!
Hi Kimberlee,
I linked to my first post about it, which linked to the original source -- but my links are hard to see!
Here is my first post about this quilt: http://obsessivelystitching.blogspot.com/2011/03/i.html
And the inspiration: http://crazymomquilts.blogspot.com/2009/09/ticker-tape.html
Hope you'll try it! It's SO fun!!
I've GOT to try one of those! It looks so fun!
That looks awesome! I SOOO want to try one of these someday...but I guess I should finish the two i-spy quilts I've already started first. ;-)
WOW!!! it looks beautiful!!!
Love it!! I have been saving all of my little scraps so that I can make one of these someday! I think I might do it soon though, the scraps are just piling up!
That is fabulous!!!
Turned out fantastic!
that is so stinking cute! I love it!
SO fabulous! Did you do quilt as you go on this one?
Marti in San Diego
That turned out really cute!
This came out beautifully!! I am such a sucker for ticker tapes... especially when they involve i-spy too!! Very well done -- oh and I adore your binding!!
wow that's one enormous ball of fuzz! love the quilt Care!
That looks amazing! I knew there was a reason to save little scraps of fabric! I would love to make one of these some day.
I hadn't heard of a ticker tape quilt before but I love this one! I'm waiting to get my I-Spy squares back from this swap, I may just try this!
I just love allof your I-spy quilts, but the Ticker Tape idea takes the cake!! I must try this one too... Thanks for sharing! :)
I am seriously coveting this quilt.
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