As part of my celebration for reaching 1,000 followers a couple weeks ago,
The finished quilt is approximately 45"x60", made with 100% cotton fabrics, machine quilted, with a hand-finished binding, and it is ready to be mailed!
Here's how to enter:
~ Leave a comment. (Make sure your email address is available!)
~ If you are a trusty-dusty follower, leave another comment saying so for an extra entry.
I will choose a winner via random.org at 8AM Thursday May 13th!
Good luck, everyone!
1 – 200 of 372 Newer› Newest»Gasp! Really?!? I would LOVE to win it! Wow.
Also, I'm a "trusty-dusty!"
I love this quilt and have enjoyed following the process! You are giving it away?!?!!
I am a follower!
How absolutely beautiful! I would love this quilt!
I am a follower
Can't believe you are giving this away. It is beautiful.
I do follow you.
Oh I would love to win your beautiful quilt, you are so kind to give it away!
It is beautiful!
I am a follower
I am following:)
The quilt is beautiful! Thanks so much for the giveaway!
Thanks for a chance to win your yummy blog candy!
sorry for my english spero di vincere un saluto dall'Italia bye bye rosa
I'm also a trusty dusty follower!
i am trusty-dusty follower ;-)
I'm a follower!!! :)
I love your quilt! Great job! :D I've really been into yellows/grays and even if I don't win - I'm thinking of replicating this, but on a bigger scale... for the bed! :D
Oh my word...I would love to win that quilt-I LOVE the fabrics you used!
And I am a follower!
Oh my, it's beautiful and you're giving it away?!?!? You are amazing!
I'm also a trusty rusty follower!
Such a beautiful quilt! And it has been a blast to follow your work and improve my skills along the way - hopefully I can brave free-motion quilting and move beyond tying my quilts! Have a lovely Wednesday :)
Its beautiful. Neat choice of colors!
I'm a follower!
Hello again! I am a follower too - thank goodness, wouldn't wanted to have missed this tutorial series!
I cannot believe you are going to give it away after all that work!! It is amazing. Love it!
sunshinekmp at yahoo dot com
Oh my I would love to have this quilt. I have been following the instructions just have yet to start.
I am a follower also.
I have a brand new machine that is waiting for me to make my first quilt. Love your instructions! This quilt is beautiful!
lanie at laniejandco dot com
I am a follower!
lanie at laniejandco dot com
Oh my! I'd love to win it!
phile_1013 at hotmail dot com
I RSS you, to my great delight!
phile_1013 at hotmail dot com
Oh my gosh, thats so generous of you to give that amazing quilt away.pick me please
Huge fan! I saved all your 1st quilt blogs so I can make my own later this year!
I am a follower!
am a follower all right.
WHAT?! That's awesome!!! I love that quilt! I could never take on a task as such! Thank you for offering it up to your loyal readers! So generous!
terraljones at gmail dot com
I follow your blog!
thank you again!
terraljones at gmail dot com
Wow, that is a beautiful quilt to give away! But congrats on reaching 1000 followers!
I'm a trusty-dusty follower!
I've been having fun watching you make this... What a generous giveaway... count me in!
What a cute quilt you made. I think it is a gracious offer that you are going to give it away.
I've been admiring your quilt colors the whole quilt-a-long! I can't believe you're giving it away though! Thanks for the chance to win it!
I'm a trusty-dusty follower too! =)
I have been a follower for some time.
...And I'm a trusty (and VERY)dusty follower! LOL!
How Fantastic!! Both the quilt and the following :D
absolutely beautiful
Oh, I would love to win your special quilt!!! What a precious give-a-way!
I'm a follower, too!
Thank you so much for each and every step. I have learned so much! I am not a follower, but I am a subscriber and love your blog!
Ooooooh! It came out beautifully and would look gorgeous in my daughter's room...
can't believe you are giving it away! maybe it will give me courage to try my own :)
subscribe via google reader
M-a-y-b-e I'll be so lucky. It was fun to watch and learn a few new tips.
LOVE++++++++ this quilt!when I saw your yellow and gray colour story i just fell in love!
This was a great quilt aslong--thankyou so much!
even though i don't have a finished quilt to share, I'm a whole lot more ready than when I started!
Wouldn't I love to win this! I have 2 new grandbabies!
I'm a true blue follower!
me, me, i wanna winnnnnnnnnn!
-christine kennedy
I follow it too!
-Christine Kennedy
beautiful quilt! i really love the yellow and gray combo. so generous of you to share it with one of us. thank you for the chance.
i follow you!
I studied all your posts and I am ready to get going on my own quilt! I'd love to win a finished one so I can compare as I go along!
This is a beautiful quilt! I have a neighbor having a baby in the fall and it's inspired me to start a quilt for her following your steps. I'm still way behind, but that's ok ;)
I've been following your quilt-a-long with great interest as I'm ready to embark on my first quilting adventure soon... so thanks for the great instructions & the chance to win the lovely quilt! I am in love with the print/colour scheme :)
Wonderful tutorial and such a beautiful quilt! Thanks for showing us how to make it.
Also, I'm a trusty follower ;o)
Serious?! Oh, pick me, pick me! :)
I follow ya :)
I am a follower and love the quilt.
Your quilt is amazing and so are all of the other things that you have made too.
So very much a follower.
I love this quilt! I cannot wait to make one of my own!!! ;)
I am a Follower!
I'd love to win! It is beautiful!
What a beautiful quilt! I love the color combo!
I'm a follower on Google Reader! :)
Beautiful quilt!! Thanks for the chance to win it!
creativeitchblog AT gmail DOT com
I'm a follower!
Can't believe you are giving that away! But I won;t complain if I win=)
And I'm a follower!
For reals?! It's gorgeous! Great giveaway :)
bmcelroy @ tampabay.rr.com
and I'm totally a follower :)
giving it away!!! that is awesome. it is so beautiful thanks for being willing to share.
and of course i am a follower
Wow, giving it away!
I'm a faithful follower! Check back at least once a day!!
It's such a gorgeous quilt! I'm looking forward to following your tutorials when I start my first quilt at the end of the year.
i did not quilt along, but i plan to make one in the future. can't wait!
And I have been following your blog obsessively for several weeks!
your quilt is so cheery! I'd love to have it in my home
I've followed you for a year!
Your quilt is beautiful! I enjoyed watching you make it, and your tutorial was great every step of the way.
So pretty! I love seeing it finished!
wow what a great giveaway. Beautiful quilt!!!!Looking forward to making it.
Holly Adkins
No way! That quilt is BEAUTIFUL! I'll cross my fingers to win it.
It's beautiful!! Thank you for the chance!!
I'm also a follower;)
I would love to win it! Such a beautiful quilt and it's been great to follow its progression.
I'm a follower :)
I have been lusting after this quilt & the color combos during this whole quilting series!!! My email is: bingoblue at hotmail dot com
Oh yes, I'm a follower too!
I am also a follower!!
Wow, really?!?!? You're giving it away?!?! Count me in, it turned out gorgeous :)
I'm a follower!!! Woot woot :)
Oh I'd love to win this. It's so beautiful.
I'm a follower
I love that quilt! Yellow and grey are great together. Definately count me in!!!
And of course, I am a trusty-dusty follower :)
I can't believe you're giving away such a beautiful quilt. Put me in the hat, please!
Thank you for the giveaway and all the help!
I'm a follower.
It's a beautiful quilt! I'd love to win it!
Also, I'm a follower, as a direct result of the quilt along series.
My favorite colors!!! I would be honored to win this!!
zoonam@gmail.com is my email
zoonam.blogspot.com my blog page
yay!!! :)
ohhhhh-- i would love to win this quilt! yellow and grey is beeee-U-T-ful!
ps-"trusty dusty" ;)
I love the colors you used. Very beautiful.
The quilt turned out beautiful! Giving it away? I would love to have it in my house!
Woot! Woot! Pick me!
I'm a follower!
holy cow you are awesome! this quilt would go perfect in my nursery! it is gray and yellow too. tHanks you for being so generous!
Janice Twitchell
I'm a follower too!
That is to generous of you. Thanks Care for doing this tutorial.
And I'm a follower too :)
I love the way it turned out and the color combo is awesome!
Been following along, even though I did not make a quilt with you (too much else on the go) I did learn a lot.
Oh me! I'd love to win one of your quilts!
And I follow you in Google Reader.
Awesome! totally enter me! It turned out really great
Thank you for showing the quilting process!
I subscribe to your blog with firefox brief
My fingers are so crossed! Thanks for the chance... it's just beautiful!
hey there so my 1/4 inch foot arrived today!!! i hope to get the material cut tonight well maybe tomorrow more like :) i would love this quilt yellow reminds me of my dad xx
ps i'm a avid follower too!!!!!
I;m a follower!
What a beautiful quilt! I love it!
Love it!
Thank you for the giveaway, this is a gorgeous quilt. One day soon I will make this quilt for my friend and I will join your flickr group to show it off.
Oh my! I followed the steps of making this quilt and was just in awe. I wish I could have actually done it, but I don't have the supplies on hand. One day, I will make a quilt! OH how I would love to win this quilt!
Oh, I'm a follower too.
This quilt is amazing. I love the colors they are so beautiful together!
wow! it's a lovely quilt and it's very generous of you to give it to a very lucky person (which won't be me because I never win anythin).
I KNEW your quilt was going to be the giveaway! :-) I don't want it--it'll just make me feel bad about mine! LOL j/k
Woah. I have such a hard time giving my quilts away. Even when I knew I was giving them when I started. I love your fabrics and have loved you quilt along!
I'm a follower
That quilt is simply gorgeous! This is so generous of you!
thetottery at gmail dot com
I am also a follower.
thetottery at gmail dot com
Oh my goodness that is beautiful. Thanks for offering it! mommypants13@gmail.com
I'm most definitely a follower
I would love a chance to win! andria{dot}carnell{at}gmail{dot}com
WOW! I would love this beautiful quilt!
what a beautiful quilt! i'm so happy i found your blog! i plan on starting my own "first quilt" TODAY!
I follow you...hehe!
I like this quilt. The colors are great.
another comment for another chance!
I follow you on RSS!
That is so great! I was drooling over that quilt and wondering how you get the time! (I have kids and can't seem to get anything done!)
Would love to win!
This is awesome!!! i want the pretty quilt!!!
Laumj88 at gmail dot com
ps. Also a trusty-dusty follower for a while!
It's beautiful!
Yellow and grey is my FAVORITE color combo!!
i am also a follower!
I've followed you forever
Oh I love this beautiful quilt! The colors are so inspiring! Thanks for this awesome give-away!
what a great giveaway!
I am a follower! THanks
(and I'm a loyal google reader follower!)
beautiful quilt! I love giveaways
wow that is really amazing looking.
Jen VG
How wonderful! I hope I can get an up close look at your work!
I follow your blog too! :)
Wow! What an amazing giveaway ;-)
jdenbow (at) gmail.com
I love the color combo - thanks for the opportunity!
Also, am a follower.
Also, moving into a new house and am now thinking that yellow/gray should be the colors of my new sewing room!
i want to win!!
i follow you!!
Wow I can't believe you're giving away the quilt! Thanks for the chance - it's beautiful. alicedemskehansen at gmail.com
I love your quilt~~it was so wonderful to watch how you made it! Thank you so very much!!
I am a true follower of your blog...love it love it love it!
Wow! How cool. I hope I win.... since as far as I've gotten is cutting out the big squares.... ooops.
I'm a follower, too. :)
I'm a follower. :)
How generous. What a beautiful quilt. If I won, I'd have to give it to a friend who has had a hard time recently. She'd love it.
Thanks for the amazing quilt tutorial! All I have left to do on mine is baste, quilt, and bind. Your tutorial made the whole thing fun, easy and painless :) Awesome giveaway, I hope I win! That quilt is gorgeous!! ~Melody
I'm also a follower!
Me me me me me....please! I've never won anything in my life. I stumbled upon your blog while doing some googleing while working on my 1st quilt. I look forward to making my second using some of your help! Thanks.
I follow in Google Reader!
I love your quilt!!!! I don't think I could give it away!!!! hugs
I love the colors in this quilt!!!
Kara B
I would love to win that quilt! It is beautiful!
I was so excited when I saw you were going to teach us how to make a quilt! I can't wait to get started on my own! You're an inspiration, thanks so much! sharqueen(at)gmail(dot)com
And I am a trusty dusty follower!
I'm also a trusty-dusty follower! (of course!!!) sharqueen(at)gmail(dot)com
Totally amazing. I wish I was able to make a quilt while you were writing the details.
this quilt is beautiful!!!
i am a follower!!! and i'm following along and making the quilt!!! i just put the borders on and am ready to pin!!!!
WOW! GORGEOUS! Thanks for the chance! I would LOVE to gift this to an old friend that's had a rough year and will be moving accross country this Summer and back into the small town I live in!
I love this quilt. I cant believe you are giving it away.
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