
Thursday, August 6, 2009

Stained Onesie + Lame Onesies = ?

Today I HAD to make something, or shrivel up and die. (Well, I guess that's every day, but today I was especially needing to create.) I have been in the middle of hauling the rest of my c~r~a~p (yes, I admit it is!) up to my new sewing room from the old one in the basement, and let's just say I am NOT loving the project.

Anyway, here's what I whipped together:

I inherited this practically-brand-new-but-stained onesie. I love the color and the polka dots, so I knew I would be using it for something!

I started by whacking it in half and making...

...a little diaper cover. I seem to be short on these for some reason. Even if JellyBean doesn't have a dress that matches it, so what? Underwear can be any color, right?!

When JellyBean was born I got two of these "fabulous" onesies advertising my insurance company. Who wants their baby advertising ANYTHING, much less an insurance company?? Anyway, I've been hanging on to them, and finally came up with a way to cover the lameness:

I cut out a heart from paper that matched the size of the "adorable" on the cute onesie and also the size of the lame logo, centered it on there, and traced the heart with my disappearing ink marker. I used the same process with a flower shape I freehanded. I appliqued them on by machine, and...

Ta-Da! Three useful items from three useless items!

(I still have a bunch of that cute purple polka-dot fabric left for future projects, too!)


  1. What a cute idea! I'm going to have to try this!

  2. Excellent use of useless clothing!

    Oh...I just brought down a bag of c~r~a~p from my attic! I was up there searching for saved uniform pants for Son#2, and found the bag. I'm hauling it to the curb right now. I'm not going to look in


  3. All of your recons are totally cute!! Love the diaper cover.

  4. i love it, i should give it a try


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