
Friday, August 21, 2009

Flashback Friday -- Double Wedding Ring

This is the one and only Double Wedding Ring quilt I have ever made. This was exactly six years ago -- Pre-kids! I can't remember for certain, but I think it's queen size. I traced and cut out every single piece by hand (with a tiny bit of help from my husband and little bro!) and actually finished the entire thing within a month. Like I said, pre-kids.

My brother-in-law wanted to give his wife a quilt as a really special birthday present. He knew she loved the double wedding ring pattern, and he picked out the colors he knew she liked. He commissioned me to make the whole thing! I hired out the machine quilting (can't remember to whom!), and she did a beautiful job of it.

Maybe one day I will make another one, but honestly? In most cases, if I've made something once, I generally don't have any desire to do it again!


  1. Oh my gosh! You do not know me but I LOVE your blog with a passion!Stumbled upon it just tonight and wishing I had a little girl to make all the cute clothes for! I am just astounded by your craftiness!!!!

  2. OH, you are soooo much like me!!! I have what I call "Crafter's A.D.D." because I'm always making one of something, then get bored and want to move on! (Pretty bad when you have three kids...) :o)


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