
Thursday, July 9, 2009

Impromptu Swaddle Blanket

JellyBean isn't feeling well this morning. She has a runny nose and a light fever, and isn't sleeping very well. The blanky she usually uses is fuzzy on both sides with a little stretch. The stretch part is just perfect for swaddling her, so her arms don't wake her up, but the fuzzy is a bit too warm for summer, especially with a fever. With all the blankets I have for her, I just didn't have something that would fit the bill -- light with a little stretch. So, here's what I came up with!

I originally bought two yards of this 60" wide fabric (two bucks a yard!) to make a top out of, but chickened out because it's just a bit too "bullseye." (It's also one of those prints that makes your eyes cross if you look at it for too long!) It's a very light knit, though, with that stretch I was looking for! I simply folded it wrong sides together and serged around the three open edges, leaving the folded edge alone just in case I "un-chicken out" ("chicken in"?) and want to use it again later for that top!


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